Table Of Contents

    1. Action Step #1-1: Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle (Volume 1 Page 19)

    2. Action Step #1-2: Setting Your Income Goal (Volume 1 Page 23)

    3. Action Step #1-3: Making Your Commitment To Success (Volume 1 Page 25)

    4. Action Step #1-4: Getting Around To It (Volume 1 Page 27)

    5. Action Step #1-5: Learning The Fastest And Cheapest Way To Obtain Massive Success (Volume 1 Page 33)

    6. Action Step #1-6: Doubling Your Six-Figure Income Within The Next 12 Months (Volume 1 Page 37)

    7. Action Step #1-7: Making $100,000 Or More Your First Year In Real Estate (Volume 1 Page 39)

    8. Action Step #1-8: Helping Your Agents Become Super Successful As The Broker Or Broker-Owner And Grow Your Business Fast (Volume 1 Page 41)

    9. Success Journal For Chapter 1 (Volume 1 Page 45)

    1. Action Step #2-1: Discovering Your Why (Volume 1 Page 53)

    2. Success Journal For Chapter 2 (Volume 1 Page 61)

    1. Action Step #3-1: Calculating The Lifetime Profit Value Of Your Average Delighted Client (Volume 1 Page 111)

    2. Action Step #3-2: Computing Your Real Cost Of Losing A Client (Volume 1 Page 113)

    3. Action Step #3-3: Determining Your Cost Of Getting A New Client (Volume 1 Page 115)

    4. Action Step #3-4: Managing Your Goldmines (Volume 1 Page 139)

    5. Action Step #3-5: Defining Your Target Market (Volume 1 Page 151)

    6. Success Journal For Chapter 3 (Volume 1 Page 169)

    1. Action Step #4-1: Identifying Your Most Enjoyable Business Activities (Volume 1 Page 195)

    2. Action Step #4-2: Detecting Your Least Enjoyable Business Activities (Volume 1 Page 197)

    3. Action Step #4-3: Calculating Your Hourly Income (Volume 1 Page 199)

    4. Action Step #4-4: Determining Your Break-Even Point (Volume 1 Page 203)

    5. Action Step #4-5: Gaining Two Extra Hours A Day (Volume 1 Page 211)

    6. Action Step #4-6: Sharpening Your Saw (Volume 1 Page 223)

    7. Action Step #4-7: Contacting Your Clients And Prospects At The Best Times (Volume 1 Page 225)

    8. Success Journal For Chapter 4 (Volume 1 Page 227)

    1. Action Step #5-1: Finding Your Systems (Volume 1 Page 239)

    2. Action Step #5-2: Using Your Current Most Effective Client-Acquisition System To Maximize Profits While Learning New And Better Ones (Volume 1 Page 241)

    3. Success Journal For Chapter 5 (Volume 1 Page 245)

    1. Action Step #6-1: Transforming Your UNWOWs Into WOWs (Volume 1 Page 281)

    2. Action Step #6-2: Creating Your Irresistible Offers (Volume 1 Page 289)

    3. Success Journal For Chapter 6 (Volume 1 Page 343)

    4. The Home-Selling Book

You can see the detailed Table of Contents and the names of hundreds of the top real estate agents, coaches, and trainers that the author studied to create MEGA SUCCESS in this file.

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